Creative Commons License by Roberto Bonefont, Sr. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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Five Good Reasons To Attend The Nationals...

2010 Midhudson Regional SBDMDK Tournament

photos by Frampton Sa Bom Nim and Jack Chastain

Baran's Soo Bahk Do - Welcome

What is Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan? Watch and Join Us!

The Future is in their hands...

Founder of the Moo Duk Kwan, Hwang Kee 1989 Shim Sa

Thursday, April 27, 2006

The Strong Link between Soo Bahk Do™ and Character Education

Master Roberto Bonefont, Sr. (left) and Allen Ruqus, Sa bom Nim (right) at the "Fitness Night" in Poughkeepsie, New York

On Wednesday April 26th, The President's Vision Tour Committee of Baran's Soo Bahk Do™ participated in a local Elementary School's Fitness Night. The Oak Grove Elementary School, located in Poughkeepsie, New York, hosted their annual "Fitness Night." The event is organized by the Physical Education department to bring increased awareness to Parents about their children's physical wellness. The school invites local businesses that cater to physical wellness.

The PVT Committee of Baran's Soo Bahk Do™ received an invitation to attend. The Committee setup the Federation Display and printed up some trifold handouts to give to parents and students. The trifold provided them with information on class schedules, a brief history of the Soo Bahk Do™ Moo Duk Kwan® martial art, and a short piece on the increasing need for "Character Education" for our children.

Through the use of Soo Bahk Do™ Moo Duk Kwan® training, children are guided through the various facets of "Character Education" that are taught through the use of the "Eight Key Concepts", our "Five Moo Do Values" and many other aspects of the Moo Duk Kwan® Philosophy. Basic to any character education, it concentrates on teaching children how to successfully meet life's challenges, by learning about responsibility, ethical behavior, developing and understanding trust, being respectful or learning about citizenship; it is this basic instruction that every Soo Bahk Do™ instructor probably teaches everyday, but may not label it "Character Education." Don't we teach our students how to meet life's challenges through the training they receive? Of course we do.

Not wanting to use the word "We" because I'm not a studio owner, but as loyal practitioners, we certainly are aware of our art's philosophy and it is the philosophy that affects our students, practitioners (parents and friends too) and keeps them in the dojang. There is a solid link between Soo Bahk Do™ Moo Duk Kwan® and character education, it's important that we keep that link strong through our training.

"Our Vision in Action"

Respectfully Submitted,
Roberto Bonefont, Sr.
Region 2

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Mid Hudson Regional Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Tournament 2010

Welcome our newest Dan Members!

124th Dan Shim Sa - More Photos

Many thanks to Mr. John Dalton for these wonderful photos and allowing us to use them. Soo Bahk!

Hwa Rahng Festival 2009 Part 1

Hwa Rahng Festival 2009 Part 2

Ryan's Journey Toward Midnight Blue...

A Normal Day At The Do Jang...

2009 World Moo Duk Kwan Symposium

2008 Mid Hudson Valley Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Tournament

Soo Bahk Do® and Character Education - The Connection!

Soo Bahk Do® and Character Education - The Connection!
Through the use of Soo Bahk Do® Moo Duk Kwan® training, children are guided through the various facets of "Character Education" that are taught through the use of the "Eight Key Concepts©", our "Five Moo Do Values©" and many other aspects of the Moo Duk Kwan® Philosophy. Basic to any character education, it concentrates on teaching children how to successfully meet life's challenges, by learning about responsibility, ethical behavior, developing and understanding trust, being respectful or learning about citizenship; it is this basic instruction that every Certified Soo Bahk Do® instructor teaches everyday!

Winding River Annual Tournament - October 2007

Special Thanks to Soo Bahk Do X-Change http://www.geocitie Paul Lukasiewicz, Sa Bom Nim sbd28956@yahoo. com for filming and sharing the video on You Tube. SOO BAHK ! ************************************************** ***************************** Above Master Rosenthal demonstrates Chil Sung Yuk Ro Hyung and Below Lalieu Sa bom Nim demonstrates Wang Shu Hyung ***************************************************